Our Vision & Values
At Castle Primary and Nursery School we believe in creating an inclusive culture of learning where all children will be challenged in their thinking, to achieve the best of their abilities and strive to become lifelong learners.
We will empower our children to become respected citizens thus enabling them to make valuable contributions both locally and globally and to contribute to our world’s sustainable future.
This we believe can be done most effectively when all staff, parents and children understand their responsibilities and work together towards the same goals.
Our school publicly supports diversity and actively promotes good personal and community relations. Diversity is recognised as having a positive role to play within the school. Our school opposes all forms of racism, harassment, prejudice and discrimination. Our staff foster a positive atmosphere of mutual respect and trust among pupils from all groups.
Castle Primary and Nursery School will …
- Provide your child with the highest standard of education, implemented by rigorous national guidelines, within a balanced curriculum
- Ensure that our learning environment is safe, stimulating and challenging, inspiring your child to reach their full potential alongside stringent Safeguarding checks for all adults who work or volunteer in our school
- Celebrate your child’s academic and personal achievements and keep you fully informed of your child’s progress
- Be open and welcoming
- Expect high standards of behaviour and respect at all times
- Teach your child to develop a positive attitude to one another, regardless of gender, race, culture, beliefs, values, age or need
- Encourage your child to be an active member of our school community and help them to see that they can have an impact on the world around them
- Provide regular and up to date information about our school through policies, meetings, activities, newsletters, open days and our website www.castleprimary.co.uk
- Be happy to welcome your assistance if you would like to contribute to our school’s broader curriculum. We recognise that the community of Castle Primary and Nursery School holds a wealth of talent, experience, diversity and enthusiasm from which we can benefit.
Forest School
Don't just tell children about the world, show them.
Forest School is an inspirational process, that offers ALL learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment with trees.
Forest School is a specialised learning approach that sits within and compliments the wider context of outdoor and woodland education.
The ethos is shared by thousands of trained practitioners across the UK and beyond. Its roots reach back to early years pioneers in outdoor learning and across the sea to Scandinavia.
Things the children will need for Forrest School:
- Summer kit list:- (old clothes preferable)
- Waterproof coat
- Waterproof trousers (some available in school)
- Long trousers
- Long sleeved t-shirt (for protection against nettles, stings and sunburn)
- Fleece/jumper
- Sun hat
- Wellies/walking boots
Performing Arts
"The arts make us feel connected to one another and less isolated. Through the arts we share an emotion and that sharing connects us with each other and we realise we all feel the same emotions. The arts are our last hope. We find our identity and make it easier and more pleasurable to live and they also give us wisdom"
Arthur Miller (Playwright and Director)
We are immensely proud of the Performing Arts at Castle Primary School and the impact it has had on our school. It is this strength and the involvement of the whole school in developing our Performing Arts curriculum that has enabled us to involve every child in drama, music and dance. The Performing Arts plays a key role in our children's personal development. The subjects of Music, Dance and Drama have provided all of our children with so many rich and varied opportunities to experience the arts, which develop creative, confident and capable students, who go out into the world and impress others with their abilities.
The Performing Arts specialism has also played a significant role in raising achievement across the curriculum by working with other subjects in school and outdoor learning, to provide rich educational opportunities for our students, as well as continually contributing to the children’s confidence and resilience using their Performing Arts skills, knowledge and methods to improve their own classroom practice.
The sessions are staffed with specialist teachers, some of whom have significant professional experience in the arts. We always strive to deliver to our students a varied arts curriculum including technical theatre, voice training, specialist dance and at least two full scale musicals a year.