Art and Design
Curriculum Intent
An artist leaving in Year 6 will
- be creative and proficient
- be confident in applying their personal style and artistic technique to 2D and 3D media
- be able to explore ideas and understand how art can both express and evoke emotion
- be able to verbalise their opinions of, and reactions to, works of art with confidence
- have a wide knowledge of prominent sculptors, artists and designers and understand how art has influenced and shaped history
Castle Primary school is committed to encouraging creativity through a wide variety of forms of expression. All children are encouraged to develop their artistic creativity, learn and acquire new skills and processes. They are given opportunities to explore a wide range of materials, tools and techniques in 2D, 3D and virtual form. Children explore ideas and meanings through the work of artists and designers.
Curriculum Implementation
At Castle Primary School, we follow the National Curriculum programme of study for Art with a cross curricular approach that can be integrated into learning across different subject areas. Children apply their artistic skills using real life examples to help give meaning to their work.
The main areas for teaching taken from the National Curriculum are; drawing, painting, colour, printing, pattern and form and these are taught multiple times throughout the key stages to ensure children have chance to keep building upon these skills and embedding them. We research and explore pieces of artwork and famous artists, forming our own opinions through discussion and evaluation. We then use this to inspire our own artwork and help us to develop new technical skills. We foster an environment that allows for risks to be taken, independence to be developed and all work is celebrated.
Teachers from Foundation Stage to Year 6 will plan to ensure full coverage of the skills relating to the Art and Design curriculum for that year group throughout the year. Teachers use long term planning when starting each new theme, and highlight the skills that will be covered. We aim to provide our pupils with a range of different experiences of art from different cultures and historical periods, which also have a clear link to our historical, or geographical curriculum focuses where appropriate.
Curriculum Impact
A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the skills to create their own experimental works of art. As pupils progress, they will be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design.
Children’s evaluations will have reflected their growing confidence and understanding of techniques and vocabulary. They will have a sense of independence and utilise their artistic strengths.
Children will have an enhanced artistic knowledge and developed their creative awareness, eventually being able to apply their skills to create their own pieces of artwork. They will also have a sense of imagination and passion, with a confidence to take risks in their own artwork.