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Our class teachers are Miss Jackson, Ms Moore, Mrs Strick

Welcome to the Year 2 class page. 

Autumn Term 2024

Here you will find any information regarding your Year group and any reminders throughout the year.

Any vital or short-term changes to the school day will be sent out via text or email as usual.


Year 2 Documents

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Updated: 25/10/2024 728 KB

Class Updates:

  • Please make sure all jumpers and cardigans are named. 
  • Remember to bring your reading book and yellow reading record into school everyday.

General Class Information:

Our School Day:

Children can arrive in school from 8.45am, through the EYFS entrance via the playground.

Adults will need to remain on the playground when the children come in to school, as the entrance can get very congested!

Morning register closes at 9.00am

Children can order a school snack if they wish. Payment of this is via ParentPay. Please speak to the office if this needs setting up.

Lunch time is 12.15pm - 1.1.15pm

Please make sure that your child's school lunch has been pre-ordered via the form sent by the office each week.

Home time is 3.15pm

Children will be brought to the small wooden gate at the EYFS entrance to be collected by their parent / guardian. Please notify the office if the adult picking your child up is not the designated person that we are expecting.

School Uniform and P.E Days

Please send your children to school in the correct school uniform on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

This consists of:

  • grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress.
  • white or red polo shirt, or white collared shirt / blouse long or short-sleeved
  • red jumper or cardigan (with or without the Castle logo)
  • black, white or grey socks
  • black shoes (NOT trainers).

Our P.E lessons are on Wednesdays and Fridays. On these days, please ensure your children come to school wearing the correct P.E uniform.

This consists of:

  • plain white t-shirt or polo shirt (no crop tops)
  • plain black shorts/skorts/jogging bottoms/leggings
  • plain black or red sweatshirt / hoodie, and plain black pumps or sensible trainers.

Long hair should be tied back.

NO JEWELLERY should be worn, including EARRINGS. Please make sure children are not wearing earrings on P.E days.

This Half Term's Topics:

Weather and Seasons

This half term Year 1's main topic is about different weather we experience and the four seasons. Where possible, most subjects with relate to this in some form. 

Reading At Home

Your child will have an independent reading book in which to take home and practise their reading with an adult. We ask that you provide opportunities for your child to read as much as possible at home; ideally a few short minutes every day, but at least 3 times per week. This is invaluable to their literacy development. KS1 children are learning to apply their decoding skills (phonics) and also comprehend what they read, so try to discuss the book's events or contents as part of their reading practice routine too. The book may need to be read several times in order for your child to grasp some of the tricky words or longer decodable words. Your child will gain in confidence with every read!

Please record reading sessions in your child's reading record and send into school everyday.This is so we can hear them read their book in school and keep track of their progress. Books will be changed on a Thursday once our 3 reading sessions in school have taken place.

If you should need to contact me with any questions or concerns then please use the following email address:

Looking forwards to a fun-filled term!

Miss Moore

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