Castle Links is our before and after school club.
Castle Links operates on a daily basis during term time, and is available for children from Nursery to Year 6, and is staffed by Mrs Jackson in the mornings and Miss Jackson in the afternoons.
Bookings must be made at least 24 hours prior to each session required by contacting the school office on 01782 433218 or by email to
All payments must be made at time of booking via Parent Pay and paid in advance of services taken.
A receipt will be issued on request.
Castle Links will operate from the school hall. Access for children accompanied by their parents should be gained through the staff car park and through the hall fire door. Children should also be collected from here after school. Collection must be made by 5.30 p.m. A charge of £5 will be made for every 15 minutes after 5.30 p.m.
8.00 a.m. - 8.55 a.m. £6.00
3.15 p.m. - 4.15 p.m. £6.00
3.15 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. £11.00 or £20.00 (two or more siblings)
Each afternoon session includes a snack.
Please Note: Part hours will be charged at the full hourly rate