Religious Education![](/images/Header_Image_-_Religous_Education.png)
Curriculum Intent
Within their learning in R.E, pupils develop specific attitudes that are open, reflective and critical, alongside a skill base which allows them to be curious, play with ideas, empathise, listen, imagine, question, make links and reason.
Our teaching in R.E enables children to build on their own experiences and extend their knowledge and understanding of religious traditions. We use their experiences of religious festivals to develop their religious thinking and encourage children in carrying out research into religious topics. Children discuss religious and moral issues in various group situations, using computing, art and drama to explore learning further. We also take the opportunities that the teaching of RE provides to promote a positive attitude towards other people, respecting their right to hold different beliefs from their own and towards living in a society of diverse religions. Our pupils will:
- Have the knowledge and tolerance of different religions and no religion.
- Explain how religious beliefs shape others’ lives.
- Express feelings about their own identities and beliefs.
- Widen their view of the modern world by respecting the values of others whilst expressing their own.
Curriculum Implementation
The subject of R.E is taught in line with recommendations based on the Staffordshire Agreed Syllabus set out by the Staffordshire Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) alongside the units of work from the Twinkl R.E scheme of work.
R.E is taught as part of our whole-school two year rolling programme. It is generally taught in the second half of each term to incorporate the festivals of Divali, Christmas, Hanukkah and Easter.
Areas of Learning Links: Understanding the World – People, Culture & Communities; Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Communication and Language;
Our Nursery and Reception children explore their own family’s beliefs and culture, whilst learning about significant events / festivals in the Christian and Hindu calendar. Faith stories are shared and differences celebrated; children get the opportunity to role-play characters, handle artefacts and experience food from different cultures or faiths.
Key Stage 1 and 2
Within our rolling programme, children explore 6 main religions across the key stages.
Christianity | Islam | Hinduism | Judaism | Buddhism | Humanism | |
Key Stage 1 |
P |
P |
P |
Lower Key Stage 2 |
P |
P |
Higher Key Stage 2 |
P |
P |
P |
Our focused areas of learning help the children to build on previous knowledge and skills as they progress from Year 1 to Year 6. These are:
- Beliefs and Teaching.
- Rituals, Ceremonies and Lifestyles.
- How Beliefs Are Expressed.
- Time to Reflect and Personal Growth.
- Our Own and Others’ Values.
Curriculum Impact
We firmly believe that a meaningful R.E curriculum is the key to children becoming tolerant and well-rounded adults.
Children will have extended their knowledge and have an understanding of religion and different beliefs, including the use of religious vocabulary and interpreting religious symbolism in a variety of forms. They will be able to deepen their reflection on questions of meaning, offering their own thoughtful and informed insights into religious and non-religious views of life’s meaning and purpose. Children will also consider religious perspectives on contemporary social and moral issues.